Welcome to WayFinder
If you made it to WayFinder EcoMap, you’re looking for some help with your business. We want you to access what you need, quickly, by seeing the interconnectedness within our communities. Jump in and see who’s out there waiting to help you.

How to Use
Enter a few key pieces of information to figure out which organizations in the ecosystem are best suited to your current needs. Your search will give you a list of all the places you can look for help.
You can peek around, click on different nodes, and learn more about organizations you may not know about.
You can help identify gaps in the ecosystem and reach out to Braided River Collective when you come up with a creative idea to solve the problem! We are always looking for collaborators.
Map Submission
Map Selections
Do you serve more than one region?
Want more clarity on sorting the lifecycle of your business?

Businesses go through natural cycles of creation, growth and dissolution – and not always in a straight line. To better understand where you are in your own lifecycle, here is a snapshot of all the stages at once. The formative stages have particular designations due to the important role these play in creating a solid foundation for a profitable enterprise.

Lifecycle Stages
Businesses go through natural cycles of creation, growth and dissolution – and not always in a straight line. To better understand where you are in your own lifecycle, here is a snapshot of all the stages at once. The formative stages have particular designations due to the important role these play in creating a solid foundation for a profitable enterprise.

Service Type
The organizations captured in this ecosystem map provide a variety of services to entrepreneurs, innovators and creatives. We grouped those services into type categories to provide consistency across organizations.